

A patient’s file contains information on the care provided to the patient. It is protected by law and professional secrecy and kept at the dental office, where only the dentist and his or her staff have access to it. Patients are also entitled to access their file and make corrections.

This questionnaire will help the dentist and his or her staff provide the best possible care and reduce the risk of medical complications. It is in the patient’s best interest to carefully fill it out and notify the dentist of any change in their health condition.

Personal Information
Contact Information
Dental Information

Medical history

Yes No

1. Are you being treated by a physician?

2. Have you ever had surgery or been hospitalized?

3. Do you have joint prostheses (hip, knee, etc.)?

4. Have you gained or lost a lot of weight recently?

5. Are you pregnant?

6. Are you breastfeeding?

7. Are you taking natural or homeopathic products?

8. Are you taking medication?

9. Are you taking birth control ?

Please indicate all medication (including birth control and hormones) that you are taking or have taken in the last 12 months

Please check Yes or No for each current or past condition

Yes No

Blood disorders:

(hemophilia, anemia, prolonged bleeding)

Heart conditions

Infarction (heart attack), angina, surgery, etc.
Heart infection (endocarditis)
Surgery to replace or repair a valve / cusp

Blood pressure

Blood disorders:

Dizziness, fainting

Frequent headaches

Jaw pain

Liver disorder (hepatitis A, B, C. cirrhosis, etc.)

Digestive system disorders or diseases

Stomach disorders

Kidney disorders


Thyroid disorders

Cancer(tumour) Specify:


Do you suffer from dry mouth?

Sexually transmitted or blood-borne infections (STBBI)

Yes No

Skin diseases

Eye disorders




Prevention / treatment (e.g.: tablets)
Annual or monthly injection

Chronic pain


Nervous system disorders or diseases

Mental disorders or illnesses

Frequent colds or sinusitis

Tuberculosis or lung disorders


Hay fever / seasonal allergies

Allergy or manifestation with products containing :



Other antibiotics








Other aspects

Yes No

Have you ever been told that you snore or seem to stop breathing while you sleep?

Do you wake up tired in the morning and/or feel tired during the day ?

Do you suffer from sleep apnea?

Do you smoke?

Do you drink alcohol?

Do you use cannabis?

Do you take other drugs?

Do you take methadone?

Consent to communicate with a health professional

Family physician, specialist, pharmacist, other

I hereby agree to allow the dentist and his or her staff to obtain information that is relevant to or consistent with the purpose of the file from the health professionals listed above or to disclose such information to these health professionals.

Consent and identification

I have filled out this medical-dental questionnaire to the best of my knowledge.

I hereby consent and state my authorization to have my dentist and other staff at Studio Dentaire VMR communicate with me by email or standard SMS messaging and/or iMessage regarding various aspects of my dental care, which may include, but shall not be limited to, follow-ups, prescriptions, appointments, and billing. I understand that email and standard SMS messaging and/or iMessage are not confidential methods of communication and may be insecure. I further understand that, because of this, there is a risk that email and standard SMS messaging and/or iMessage regarding my dental care might be intercepted and read by a third party.

Patient him/herself

Parent/guardian (if under 14 yrs. old)

Legal/authorized representative


Personal Information Collected

Studio Dentaire VMR Inc. must collect the personal information required to provide dental care by means of the attached confidential medical-dental questionnaire, which is presented to you for signature.
The confidential medical questionnaire is kept in your dental record, and your dental record is kept on digital media controlled by access codes. Only caregiving staff will have access to your health information; administrative staff will only have access to the information they need to perform their duties (billing, appointment scheduling, insurance transmission).

    Your rights
  • Right to access and review your dental records
  • Right to rectification
  • Right to get a copy
  • Right to withdraw consent to the disclosure or use of information
  • Right to restrict or refuse access to the information
  • Right to be informed if your information is disclosed outside Québec

If you wish to exercise any of your rights, or make a complaint, please send a request to the Person in charge of the protection of personal information, Maria Rossi in writing to

Personal Information Retention Period

Your dental records shall be kept for five years following the last entry or insertion in the file, in accordance with the law. At the end of this period, they will be destroyed to preserve their confidentiality.